Tuesday, 20 May 2008

Ganesh-Kumaresh violin concert

This will be our next concert, on 2 June 2008.
The violin duo will be accompanied by Mannargudi Easwaran on the mridangam.

Watch this space for more details.

Sunday, 4 May 2008

Executive Committee for 2008-09 elected

The Annual General Meeting of NZIFS was held on 3 May at the Kurunchi Kumaran Temple, at 3 pm.

At this meeting, the President’s report, Statement of Financial Performance and Annual report were presented.

The new Executive Committee for 2008-09 was elected and is as follows:

President: Radhika Ravi
Vice-President: Palani Sithamparan
Secretary: Lakshmi (Shiva) Guda
Treasurer: Chris Lawrence
Committee members: Narayani (Sundari) Sundaresan
Nadesu Arulrajah

Complete set of AGM papers have already been sent to members. Minutes of the AGM will be sent soon.