"Sikkil Mala brought to the fore her ability to make the flute almost speak the SAhitya" - The Hindu
NZIFS is very pleased to present the flute concert of Mrs Sikkil Mala Chandrasekhar, a top notch leading lady flautist from India. She is the daughter & niece of the well known Sikkil Sisters, Mrs Kunjumani and Mrs Neela. Sikkil Mala will be accompanied on the violin by H N Bhaskar and on the mridangam by Palladam Ravi.
All three performers are internationally acclaimed professional musicians from India.
At: Adam Concert Hall, Victoria Univeristy campus, Kelburn
May 8th Sunday
At 5 pm
For tickets and further details about the concert:
Balajee 972 4032
Sundar 476 3450
Ram 476 4490
Bhagavan 476 7600