Tuesday, 10 March 2015

IDHAYAM- Carnatic Collective Fusion on 22.03.15 @ at Massey University Hall

Followed by the Successful Nadaswaram Concert,  NZIFS is delighted to present IDHAYAM - Carnatic Collective Fusion ensemble as the final concert for this year (2014-2015). 

After bringing two masterly concerts by Mysore and Subhan Brothers, this time our stage is open for the Young Kiwi Talents and bringing them to our members.

Idhayam consists a group of young New zealand talent which started performing in 2013 and have given a few shows in Wellington and have received fabulous reviews for the freshness of their music and creative expressions. 

Please mark in your calendar 22nd March (Sunday), 5 pm at Massey University Hall, Wellington. We are sure you would be there to encourage our young musicians. 

Tickets are priced at $10 for members; $20 non-members; $15 (non-member concessions)

Listen to a beautiful sample:


Gayathri Dharmarajan

NZIFS Secretary
New Zealand Indian Fine Arts Society