Brings to
you performances by:
Rising Wellington students/ stars of
Indian classical music
Music students of Sai Sruthilayalaya and
Students of Nataraj School of Dance
Mayur Dance Academy
5 pm, Saturday 22nd April
2017 at
The Little Theatre, Lower Hutt
Tickets: Members
(Adults - $10; Students & Seniors - $5; Children under 12 - Free)
Non-members (Adults - $15; Students & Seniors - $10)
Contact: Balajee: 972 4032, Raghu:
976 8687; Gayathri: 550 2400; Ram: 478 5490
With sponsorship and support
of diverse artistic cultural traditions of local communities for engagement and
participation of youth in the arts by:
Check it out on https://www.eventfinda.co.nz/2017/swarasya-2017/lower-hutt
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